Happy New Year.

Last night, after a rollicking New Year's Eve of toddler mayhem, I was checking in on Reese before I went to bed and she was sound asleep. I went in to give her my usual kiss on the forehead and she opened her eyes and looked straight into mine as though she had just been in a play pretending to be a girl asleep.
"Hi, Mama. Watch this."
She proceeded to put her index finger square in the middle of her bottom lip.
"OK," I say,"what's that?"
"That's it," she says proudly, as though what she had done actually qualified as an actual something.
"Mama, will you come back and kiss me goodnight?"
"Of course, sweetheart."
"Always you do?"
"Always I do."
My first promise of the year: kept.
and the one of finn was great too!!